Unlock Your Strength: Tips From Wellhealthorganic On How To Build Muscle


Gaining Muscle Is A Journey That Calls For Commitment, Consistency, And The Appropriate Strategy. We At Wellhealthorganic Recognize The Significance Of Muscle Health And Vigor. We’ll Provide Professional Advice And Insights On Muscle Growth Strategies In This Extensive Guide, Enabling You To Achieve Your Fitness Objectives And Realize Your Full Potential.

Getting stronger is an admirable, healthy fitness goal. That’s why you’re hitting the gym, lifting more, and packing every meal with protein. But building muscle can be a bit tricky.

Sure, lifting weights and eating more protein can help you become stronger, but to build muscle you need to push your muscles past their limit and then give them time to recover and grow.1 To build and maintain muscle mass, you need patience and persistence.

So, how do you build and maintain muscle? Proper training, good nutrition, rest, and realistic goals create an achievable equation for success.

How to Build Muscle:

You need to grow muscle cells to build muscle. This is called muscle hypertrophy, which is when muscle making outpaces muscle breakdown.1 Strength training plus an adequate amount of protein sets the foundation for building muscle. But rest and recovery are equally important. Below you will find more information on how to build muscle in the following ways:

  1. Resistance training
  2. Calorie surplus
  3. Increased protein
  4. Recovery time
  5. Sleep


Strength training, or resistance training, is the primary form of exercise for muscle building.1 It involves using weights, machines, or your own body weight to stress your muscles, pushing them past their limits.

The mechanical tension you place on your muscles when strength training triggers something called metabolic stress, which gives your muscles the energy they need to adapt to the strain of the weight so you can keep lifting.2 Pushing past the point where your muscles tire out damages the muscle fibers. This muscle damage triggers the healing process that causes the muscles to grow.2

To grow muscle, it’s often helpful to find your one-repetition maximum (RM), which is the heaviest amount of weight you can lift without losing proper form.3 If you can easily do three sets of 10 repetitions, or reps, you’re not at your RM. Consulting with a personal trainer can help you find your one-repetition maximum.

As your strength improves and your muscles grow, increase weight load and the number of sets to continue to build.1 Professional athlete, gymnastic coach, personal trainer, and creator of PHIIT Strength Kari Pearce says, “You must continue to lift heavier weights to build muscle.” When your weights are no longer challenging, it’s time to increase your weight load.

The time frame is different for each person, but generally within a month you will feel weights becoming lighter.


Varying the type of workout you do also helps build muscle. You work out different muscle groups when you switch from free weights to weight machines.4 Pearce also suggests using compound movements to progress muscle growth. The more muscles you include in your movements, the greater the benefits. Using a vibration plate while resistance training can also boost muscle mass and strength.

Pearce says her advice varies for each client. “Experience level will come into play when doing a strength training program. If you are a beginner, more basic and bodyweight movements will be included. When I am working with someone more advanced, there will be more weighted movements as well as more advanced movements. This is not only to see the best results but also to make it more fun and challenging!”


Building muscle requires good nutrition and high-quality calories that includes a mix of protein, carbs, and fat. Using supplements to support your workout, such as protein powder and electrolyte tablets, can help you meet your nutrition needs.

In order to grow muscles, you need to maintain a positive protein balance. The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) says you need at least 0.6 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight to maintain a positive protein balance and you may need as much as 1.3 grams of protein per pound to gain muscle.5

While protein is important for building muscle, carbohydrates and fat also plays a role in helping your body achieve its goals.6 Carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains serve as a source of energy and essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fat provides your body with energy and helps with producing the hormones you need to build muscle, according to Pearce. She also recommends “drinking plenty of water and limiting alcohol consumption.”

Other Factors:

Giving your body time to recover is also important for muscle building. You should let your muscles rest for 48 hours before working them out again.7

You also need an adequate amount of sleep to build muscle. A lot of things happen while you sleep, including repairing and building muscle. Not getting enough sleep triggers your body to release catabolic hormones like cortisol, slowing down muscle growth.8

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a night.9 But when working out to build muscle, aim for at least eight hours of sleep, says Pearce. Getting an adequate amount of sleep keeps the anabolic hormone levels elevated, improving muscle recovery and growth.9

How you manage stress also affects muscle building. When you’re chronically stressed, your catabolic stress hormones remain high, affecting muscle growth and strength.10 According to Pearce, stress also affects your workouts. She recommends taking it easy on those high stress days and the days you have a hard time getting enough sleep.

How to Maintain Muscle:

When it comes to maintaining muscle mass, you can follow a “use it or lose it” mentality. After age 30, you can lose up to 5% of your muscle mass every 10 years if you’re not physically active.11 Like muscle building, fitness and nutrition are vital to maintaining lean body mass.


Regular strength training is key to maintaining muscle mass. Like muscle building, you need to stress the muscle to maintain strength. This means lifting enough weight and doing enough reps to the point where it’s too hard to do one more.12

Yoga and Pilates are also muscle building workouts that help maintain lean body mass and improve flexibility.11

Resistance training helps you maintain muscle strength, but doesn’t necessarily add more bulk.12 Pearce says, “I often hear women say that they do not want to lift heavy because they do not want to get bulky. I promise you will not bulk up in a short period of time.”

Further, she says “I believe all women should build muscle—there are a variety of benefits including stronger bones, increased resting metabolic rate, and it will make things in your daily life easier…to name a few!”


Good nutrition is also important for maintaining muscle, especially high-quality protein. The ISSN says you need 0.6 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight to maintain muscle.5

Eating balanced meals filled with nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups should help you get enough protein, as well as an adequate amount of carbohydrates and for energy and the other essential nutrients you need to maintain muscle and support overall health.6

Other Factors:

Finding healthy ways to manage stress is also important for maintaining muscle. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research found that stress decreases muscle strength.10 How you manage stress right now may affect your muscle strength later on.

You also need to create good sleeping habits. Like stress, accumulating sleep debt increases the release of the catabolic hormones that decrease muscle mass and strength.8 Aim for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night.

Recognizing The Growth Of Muscle:

Hypertrophy, Another Name For Muscular Growth, Is The Result Of Stress Or Resistance Applied To Muscle Fibers During Exercise. This Procedure Causes Cellular Alterations That Result In Bigger And Stronger Muscles. Creating An Efficient Exercise And Diet Program Requires An Understanding Of The Science Underlying Muscle Growth.

The Value Of Eating Well:

Building Muscle Requires Proper Nutrition. You Must Eat Enough Calories And Nutrients, Including As Protein, Carbs, And Healthy Fats, To Enhance The Building Of Muscle. The Following Describes How Each Nutrient Supports The Growth Of Muscle:

Protein: Necessary For The Growth And Repair Of Muscular Tissue. Aim For A Diet High In Protein, Consuming Foods Like Dairy, Eggs, Fish, Poultry, Lean Meats, And Plant-Based Proteins.

Carbohydrates: Aid In Muscle Repair And Supply Energy For Exercise. Select For Intricate Carbohydrates Found In Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, And Legumes.

Good Fats: Essential For The Synthesis Of Hormones And General Well-Being. Incorporate Foods Such As Avocados, Almonds, Seeds, And Olive Oil Into Your Diet.

Creating An Exercise Program:

A Carefully Thought-Out Exercise Program Is Essential For Promoting Muscular Growth. Pay Attention To Compound Exercises Like Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Presses, And Rows That Work Numerous Muscular Groups At Once. To Increase Muscle Mass And Enhance Cardiovascular Health, Combine Strength And Cardio Training.

Gradual Overload:

Building Muscle Is Based On The Notion Of Progressive Overload. It Entails Escalating The Volume, Resistance, Or Intensity Of Your Exercises Progressively Over Time In Order To Consistently Test Your Muscles And Promote Growth. Monitor Your Development And Aim To Perform More Or Lift Larger Weights Repetitions As Your Strength Increases.

Rest And Recuperation:

Not Just During Workouts, But Also During Times Of Rest And Recuperation, Is When Muscles Grow. Make Sure You Give Enough Sleep A High Priority Because This Is When Your Body Rebuilds And Restores Muscle. Include Rest Days In Your Training Plan To Give Your Muscles Enough Time To Heal And To Avoid Overtraining.

Supplements And Hydration:

For The Best Possible Muscular Function And Recovery, One Must Be Hydrated. Throughout The Day, Make Sure To Stay Hydrated, Especially Before, During, And After Physical Activity. To Aid With Muscle Growth And Recovery, You Should Also Think About Including Supplements Like Protein Powder, Creatine, And Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Bcaas). However, You Should Always Speak With A Healthcare Provider Before Introducing Supplements Into Your Routine.

Monitoring Your Development:

Monitoring Your Development Is Crucial To Continuing Driven And Willing To Make Any Modifications To Your Exercise And Dietary Regimen. To Keep Track Of Your Workouts, Sets, Repetitions, And Weights Lifted, Keep A Workout Log. To Track Your Development Over Time, Assess Your Body Composition On A Regular Basis, Taking Note Of Factors Like Muscle Mass And Body Fat %.

Genetics’s Function:

It’s Critical To Acknowledge That Genetics Contribute To Muscle Growth. It’s Possible That Some People Are Genetically Predisposed To Gain Muscle More Quickly Than Others. But No Matter What Your Genetic Composition, Regular Work And Commitment Can Result In Noticeable Gains In Muscular Mass And Strength.

Harmonizing The Development Of Muscle With General Health:

While Gaining Muscle Is A Commendable Objective, It’s More Important To Put General Health And Wellbeing First. Keep Your Diet Balanced And Obtain Plenty Get Enough Sleep, Control Your Stress, And Pay Attention To Your Body’s Cues. Steer Clear Of Restrictive Diets And Excessive Exercise As These Could Eventually Harm Your Health.

Final Thoughts:

Gaining Muscle Is A Fulfilling Experience That Calls For Dedication, Tolerance, And Tenacity. You Can Successfully Gain More Muscle Mass, Strength, And Definition By Implementing The Advice Provided In This Article Into Your Daily Activities. Remind Yourself To Keep Steady, Pay Attention To Your Body, And Acknowledge Your Accomplishments As You Go. You May Confidently Reach Your Fitness Objectives And Discover Your Strength With Commitment And The Appropriate Strategy.

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