The Neurobiology of Tina: Unraveling the Mechanisms Behind Dependency

The abuse of the Tina drug has been growing rapidly over the past few years. More and more people are using this drug for recreation, to escape reality or to lower appetite and help them lose weight. Sadly, long term use of Tina drug can cause dependency and other severe health issues. Read on to discover what is tina and the mechanisms behind its dependency.

What is Tina?

“Tina drug” is a slang commonly used for crystal methamphetamine (meth), a highly addictive and powerful stimulant drug. People use this name to discreetly talk about meth. Tina is often used through smoking, snorting, injecting or oral ingestion.

How Does Tina Cause Dependency?

Long-term Tina drug (meth) use can cause dependency, making a person struggle to function without using it. Sadly, many Tina users don’t understand how dependency works and might be in denial about having this problem. They may claim they can function without using it and can quit any time they like.

Tina drug can cause dependency in the following ways.

Dopamine Surge

Tina drug often alters your brain’s dopamine systems, by causing a dopamine surge. Dopamine is a chemical messenger which plays a huge role in how we feel pleasure. It impacts our ability to think, focus and find things interesting.

A dopamine surge can make a person feel euphoric, energetic and creative. They might find even dull things fascinating. That’s why after taking meth, many people feel happy and relaxed.

Sadly, using meth for a long period can have a huge negative effect on your dopamine system. Your brain might struggle to release even dopamine when you have not used meth. So, to boost pleasure, you might develop a dependency on tina drug. 

Permanent Brain Changes

Taking meth over a prolonged time can cause permanent neuroplastic changes in your brain. These changes will most likely affect the cognitive, emotional and reward-processing parts of the brain. This means that your thinking and feelings will most likely change over time, and you might become a different person. The new person will have a huge dependency on meth, as they’ll claim it helps them think and feel.

Reverting back to who you were before you started using Tina drug can be an uphill battle. Seeking professional drug abuse treatment can help you overcome this challenge.

Severe Withdrawal Symptoms

Tina drug withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, depression and intense craving, can make life unbearable. A person might feel uncomfortable and unable to do anything due to these symptoms. To manage these symptoms, most people end up using meth.

Sadly, many Tina drug users are stuck in this loop, where they wish to stop trying to quit, but the withdrawal symptoms become unbearable, and they keep using.


Knowing what is tina and how this drug can cause dependency can help you know if a loved one is affected. And if they are, you may be required to take action to help soon.  You can do this by talking to the person and encouraging them to consider seeking professional drug abuse help. Tell them that a professional can help them understand more about how meth works and how to stop using it.

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